Integrated, multi-scale and multi-objective design of batch food processing plants. Part 1: Methodology
The design of batch food processing plants is complex which requires the use of advanced simulation and optimisation methods. This paper presents how existing methods for multi-scale design and multi-objective optimisation can be combined together while carrying out the integrative design of these complex systems. To implement the Methodology for the Integrated, Multi-scale and Multi-Objective Design of Systems (MIMMODS), 8 tasks must be completed. The goal of the first 6 tasks is to build a design support tool that (i) simulates the behavior of the processing plant and estimates its performance at different functional levels and whatever design variables it is made up of, (ii) takes into account the preferences of the decision-maker to convert the performances of a design solution into desirability indices and (iii) searches for the design solution(s) that best satisfies the design objectives and the preferences of the decision-maker. When the design support tool is functioning, the results have to be visualised and analysed in order to validate whether the resulting design solution is satisfactory, realistic, feasible and consistent or whether a new iteration of the methodology needs to be conducted to refine the design support tool.